i hv been trying for the last hour to upload some modified images of his look today but dear blogger not allowing me. must hv caught some cold in this weather :p
i hv been trying for the last hour to upload some modified images of his look today but dear blogger not allowing me. must hv caught some cold in this weather :p

i hv to agree he look ABSOLUTELY soooooo dashing today
esp in those dark glasses of his..aiyo....
today i bet he must be so happy that he got to finished all his work in tokyo n can finally return to concentrate on the King's work.
많이 수고하셨습니다 용준님 ^^
but yet i would wanna see his eyes
but im not complaining either...eerrr...
what the heck am i babbling about?? must hv been star-strucked hahaha :p
well...ive read some write-up of some sisters who were there at the airport today
there werent any 'complication' except for some minor chaos when he came out from the gate...
as usual la...u know...when they see him they all rushed forward lor....
there were some who followed him from japan in 3 different plane. why?
they cant get ticket on the same one lor...wait...
im not trying to imply any negative point here but im curious why they cant get the tixs..
unless there were many of them ...k sis din tell exactly how many followed tho...hmm...
a sis managed to talked and send some messages to him n him. im glad they did ^^
(hehehe..YES ! he was there today ^^)
so u gals r head over heels with him all over again huh?
who wouldnt? i know..ok...
that neckline of his..ok ok....i see that...
n i wanted to post a super-imposed pic of that but....
sigh~ so u just use ur wildest imagination la on how deep that neckline could go @@~

oh i wont be sleeping till 2am korean time today..why?
hehehe something wonderful is gonna happen today ^^
oh Mr.Sohn...nice guy Mr. Sohn.
i always think the managers working with/for YJ are alll really nice gentlemen ^^
and the fact that he write and post in JOB is such a wonderful thought to the family.
how i wish the same can be done in gongsik (KOB)....
but by who? oh..........him?
i wish i wish i hope i hope....
what what what???
what's happening at 2am? BYJ related or not???
hahaha..kan cheong leh...
i dunno if it'll be 2 or 3 or probably 4am..
but somebody kinda made a promise but will still hv to see. lets just hope he don hv to go to the dentist tomoro morning :p
BYJ related or not? its all up to ur wildest imagination :p
btw..im really depply touched with what loveyongjoon is doing. pls do send my best regards to all of them.
"msia family wishes u all the best ! JIA YOU !!"
haiyo... so, izzit BYJ related or not huh? what dentist??
yea, it's a great thing they're doing... me think so too. and we're still planning something for his birthday... same thing, raising fund to do more for these poor children. sure, will send your blessings :)
ok he wins hands down.
im sleepy already. so i may not wait up.
bb if u r still up till that sth happen..pls do wake me up. sms me pls~~~
cant tell u exactly what will happen cos i told u i dunno if he'll keep the promise or not but i sure u'll be making rounds about the sites so u'll see what u'll see when it does happen. ok?
eerr..ook ok i think u may be fuming liao :p let me give u a hint...keep an eye on gsik ok?
n btw..i tried to install that comment tool thingy but i think im too much of an idiot to ustand how to use it. baboo !
yokee yokee, I don't have to stay up at 4, I'm wide awake at 4 o'clock my time. So, what should I be looking out for? Yong Joon himself will post somewhere?? Then I'm going to cancel my plan for this afternoon.
I know I know bb, the person who does not keep his/her promise will have to go to the dentist and be "mock dai ngai"ed (big tooth taken out).
oh dear jaime i think im gonna hv nitemare tonite with the dentist.
help !!!!!
err... i usually sleep at 3-something... so, no problem, i can sms you...
but the trouble is... if you don't tell me if it's BYJ related, i'm not sure where i should be looking to see if something happens :p
hello, jaime :)
haiyo, is something wrong the KOB tonight? i've been having lots of problem accessing the site... it either doesn't open up, or it's incredibly slow...
wei, got hint or not? have i been 'waiting' at the right place? :p
sigh....sorry sorry...
so it really din happen huh?
gsik seems to be ok with me tho.
yes u waited at the rite place.
actually k sis requested him to post a msg to k family n he agreed so thats why we were waiting.
but i guess he must be too bz n tired..poor yj...
well mayb he'll do today...
so if he does..sms pls ok? ^^
morning yokee,
nope, been staring at that talk box window the whole afternoon, sooooo quiet (moon sai ngaw)! bb's post on Love program was the latest one for the whole afternoon. I guess Yong Joon is too tired to write anything, he never promised what time right?
Silly me, so even if he writes, what can I do?! I can't read it anyway, still have to wait for some kind Korean sis to translate.
I guess I just want to catch that moment when his message appears.
So did he promise some sis at Incheon airport? How do they get through to superstar BYJ? Those must be some resourceful and well connected sisters!
So, should I "mock" his "dai ngai"?
hahahahahaha jaime jaime...
i'll check with my dentist fren if he visits her hahahaha
no he din exactly promised but he agreed but of cos no time :p
yeah its kinda 'moon' esp after all the hypes n the 'oohs' n the 'aahs'. so evbody's giving their hearts n minds a rest now :p
u no need to rest meh?
i need to go 'treat' my money tree liao..c ya ^^
yokee, just curious. Are you moonlighting as a forester or a horticulturist? How many kind of trees are you growing?
I know about your famous family tree in Quilt. But what about that money tree that you always mention? If you have one in Canadian currency, can you give me a shout! I need one to fulfil my dream trip to Korea!
i finally went to bedat 3:30am last night. oh boy, luckily never wait..
hehe, maybe today? i'll try waiting again :) and yes, will sms you if i manage to 'catch' it before the sleep-bug hits :p
but hor, we also very funny.... so what if we read it first huh?
p.s. ask your dentist fren to be gentle, k? i like YJ with his teeth all intact :)
for some reason
he reminds me of Shah Ruhk Khan
He's the Shah Ruhk Khan of Korea
if u don't know him then look him up..
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