it was not only the thought of leaving the king that saddens her (and me) but also the thought of leaving behind her master and family...all because of fate. a destiny of fate ever since she was born....
what does destiny and fate got to do with me?
why me???
it was so difficult saying goodbye to him. it was so painful. ㅠ.ㅠ.......
he was puzzled. he hasnt the slightest idea what she meant.
and when she finally leaves and he couldnt find her.
he misses her....
"수지니를 꼭 찾아서 데려와줘" "you must find Sujini and bring her here"
i was so so absolutely touched when he said that. that worried look in his face and the heavy-hearted sound of his voice, just breaks my heart. oh~ my king~~
it was a night of tears....
here's his original posting from KOB...
then came epi 17...
i had much anticipation watching epi 17 as i was looking forward to the fight btw the king's army and the Hwacheons. and of cos the relationship btw Damdeok and Sujini or Sujini and Cheoro ^^
but before that...the scene where Damdeok went to meet Kiha was another climax to yday's epi. i just love it when he said “내 안에 미련이 있어 찾아왔지만 이제 됐다” ("being stupid i came her looking but now its enough") and “내 마음은 모두 끝났다” ("my heart is all finished")
oh dear...im so bad at translating :p
that look on his face...sad regret and anger...the way he walked out on her...and finally 'cutting off' that rope with his sword...oh~~~@@~~
then came the fight scene. should i say im so very impressed with the CGs. esp the part where they made Dae Jangro (Choi Minsoo) flew and moved ala matrix and finally when Cheoro threw the spear at him and flew again to death. haha i dunno if this correctly explained the scene but it was a good one.
of cos...i don think i need to say how good Damdeok was fighting in this particular scene too and of cos not to even mention his injured finger.
finally at the end of epi 17 nothing much happened btw Damdeok+Sujini and Sujini+Cheoro. except that we know what to expect in epi 18 !!!!!
look ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
i'll be real curious to know why Sujini shed tears while she do the 'skinship hug' with Damdeok.
and im sooo very wanna see the part where he put his arm over her shoulder. oh~ i also want !!!~~~~
btw..she is so the very pretty hor? ^^
ah~ see this pic? ↓↓↓
see the 'bruise' on the face? with his finger REALLY injured and having a 'bruised' face like that...it makes him such a REAL MAN that i soooooo love !
and u know...it has been a long time that i actually 'caress' his face on my computer screen. haha u must think im crazy. but really...i used to 'touch' his face and 'brush' his hair like that.
and today i dunno why i just so want to 'caress' his face especially when he is having that kind of look that u just cant resist looking. aiyo..i dunno how to explain but somehow im being 'killed' all over again by him !
just like how bb feels when she said falling in love all over again !
u know evtime there's a gathering of BYJ's family, 'talk' is something that can never ceased. i believe this happen to ALL families. ours' was no difference especially when someone says she's leaving we'll still continnue to talk from the moment she says she's leaving till the moment she closes the door behind her.
one sister said "oh..see..we still talk when she say she wanna go...then still talk when she finally gets up...and then still talking non stop for at least another 10 minutes then she'll walk to the door..again talk...then she'll open the door..talk another 10 more minutes..finally when she really close the door behind her and leave, u realise that she actually take 30 minutes to really go away!"
sigh...are all gals/women like this??? non stop talking? or its only becos of BYJ???? hehehe...
oh...we haven't even finished the gathering but we are already planning our next one big . we'll be going to Port Dickson next May. it was a decision between Genting Highlands and Port Dickson. some sisters were imagining how romantic the beach scene in WLS so the winner goes to Port Dickson ! haha
tho it wont be another 6-7 months we are all so excited about it ^^ we even planned what to eat...guess what.....Korean BBQ...so im responsible to learn how to marinate the beef :p hehehehe ^^
most of us only stayed on Saturday while 4 other sisters checked out of the apartment on Sunday. hmm..wonder what they did?? must be gossipping..what else :p
to those who weren't able to join us...well...sorry u missed the fun and of cos the gooood food ! hahahahahaha....so make sure u join us on our next gathering la.
we would like to invite other sisters outside of Malaysia to join us too. tho the plan is still tentative but if u are really interested pls email me and i'll keep u updated.
last but not least...
my sincere gratitude to ALL sisters who came and those who sent regards. i really appreciate your support for the family and of cos your continuos love for our dear BYJ!
Terima Kasih ! THANK YOU ! 감사합니다 ! Kamsahamnida !
Forever 배용준 ! 영원히 사랑합니다 ♥ I Love You !
epi 15 captures....
it is certainly getting more and more exciting as the story unfolds especially with Damdeok having more n more feelings for Sujini (oh~ lucky gal~). saw how he reacted when she was taken away by Cheoro (blue dragon)? the kind of 'worried and yet still look cool' look of him...oh~ i love it !
the thing about Kiha...well depending on how u look at it...its not what she but rather how the situation demanded her to be. see how cruel love can make u out to be...
there's a recent pic that i like a lot....↓
ok la...maybe Sujini's not that kind of person. she may just be thinking of no one else but...
hahahaha ever wonder how u look like when u think of him???
epi 13.....
nothing much to say except.....
i'll be eagerly waiting for next wednesday to come !!!! hurry !!!!!
and seems like Ki-ha's pregnant...
but let's hope she's just not feeling well and if she's really pregnant it's not Dam-deok's.
how can she be carrying a king's child????
and why do they hv to use such heavy make-up on him? think its making him look very very fair..too fair in fact. and his complexion (and eyes too) don seem to go too well. must be due to the stress and after all these years we all know how 'bad' he can look when he's stressed. oh~~~
btw i think Saryang's 사량 character is not bad. quite a nice guy...to Ki-ha at least.
i kinda like his look ^^