Who Am I?

My photo
It was back in 7th Aug 2002 that i first laid eyes on him. There was no 'turning back' since then. Through him i've learned so much, with him the world seems brighter and because of him i've found much more than love. Forever and always... Absolutely Bae Yong Joon ! 처음사랑 끝까지...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Visit Korea 2010-2012 : He the Ambassador, Me the Traveller ^^

many ppl said that he should hv been the ambassador long long time ago..well it doesnt matter la..

think its not only an honour for himself but also to his family of fans.

it has been quite sometime since the last time he was involved in any official official event.
so today has been a field day for evone with the high 'influx' of news reports and of cos photos of him.

oh i just love his suit today...soooooo smart !
and ive always love full length pic of him ~ @@ ~ ooohhh ~~

anyway, i had been 'planning a plan' even before this ambassador thingy was announced.
so since now he's ambassador, the more reason for me to be the traveller. bwahahahahhaha..

congrats YJ nim !!!

정말 축하드립니다 !!!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

YJ + The FaceShop

i was surprised when i read the news yday that YJ signed with Faceshop.
i mean...BYJ and The Faceshop? hmm...

i had wonder longtime ago why hasnt he do any commercial for those skincare/beauty products. i mean..its kinda norm in korea for famous actors/actresses to promote these stuff.
then on 2nd thought, maybe its just not 'his style'. and now he's signed with Faceshop.
well, there's always a reason why he do certain things..hehe...
i have nothing against Faceshop though and i havent use any of their products so i cant really comment. but i must say KSW did a great job for them.

im hoping to see some 'new images' of him with Faceshop. they should do something 'new' in conjunction with their 5th anni. instead of those..u know..flowers, greens, blurred images..those normal images associated with beauty CFs..:p

anyway, read that yj's contract is only a year old and that ksw's 'korean contract' ended in June but those overseas' deals still last till next March. so while the koreans can start to 'savour' our dear YJ coming November, others may have to wait till later to know if his deal covers those of the overseas market as well.

and btw, the pretty lady of Faceshop is Lee BoYoung. she's the one in Mr. Goodbye (Ahn JaeWook), Save the Last Dance for Me (Ji Sung), Seo DongYo (Cho HyunJae) etc.

IMHO i think YJ had very good on screen chemistry (for CFs) with both Lee YoungAe and Kim Hanul. so lets see how this new pair work out.

good luck YJ !!

Monday, September 01, 2008

bangkok breakaway~

bangkok was great !

it's almost 3 years since i last travelled so this breakaway did serve me some real good relaxation and mental de-stress. and of cos its wonderful to meet my dear thai bae-sis.

had really nice good thai food and massage ^^

shooping? nah..i din do much shopping except for 3 pairs of shoes..and ohh my little monks..hehe..

din quite take much pics cos i just seemed to forget evtime :p

but here are some just for the record..

my 3 pairs of new shoes. yeah i know im short and should wear heels but im more comfy with those flat ones. my fav of the 3...of cos the one in purple. i was looking for an orange but they don have so the one with the orange inner lining is the best bet..hahahaha

and this one...u know, both tigger and i had the same tot when we first saw this... BB !

on that someone's bday, we went around town. but tis is the only place where i took pics.

the Reclining Buddha..

and this is taken from our apartment. oh..my fren and i stayed at Somerset serviced apartment instead of Banyan Tree as it was supposed to be..boohoo...

but we still like the place a lot especially when we saw the kitchen so fully equipped that we said we must at least use it once. so on our last nite there we stormed this up..hehe

to my dear thai sisters, thank u so much for all the hospitality. kob-koon-ka

and tigger...i will come back and stay longer next time. i promise !

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

our BYJ lunch that day...2008.08.24

it was supposed to be a 'birthday celebration' but there wasnt any birthday cake

or did anybody actually remember that his bday is just around the corner and the lunch was meant to 'celebrate' the special day?

i dunno about those who went but frankly...i forgot :p

how can i forget??

seriously the birthday was just another sweet excuse for us to get together again

it was really nice to see everyone again after our last gathering during our 5th anniversary back in May.

this time we have 3 new sisters joining us for the lunch which makes myself very happy.

im always so glad and grateful that almost each time we gather, we'll hv at least one new sister.

allow me to welcome them one more time..

christina, rohana and jennyC...welcome to the family !

btw jennyC is the 3rd jenny we have in the family so she'll be jenny C after jennyA and jennyB ^^

there wasnt much activities that day so basically its all just

chat chat chat laugh laugh laugh eat eat eat and chat chat chat laugh laugh laugh
here's our family photo ^^

i would like to thank everyone of you who came...thank you !!

and oh...our lunch was at Koryowon, KLCC, KL.

food was good and the best dish of the day was 'fun' !

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

he came he wrote and he conquered (us)!

wow !~

the man posted 2 postings this morning. 2 in 1 day !
well it was supposed to be only 1 but bcos he was too 'long winded' he had to post them in 2 separate postings so thats why..haha..
from what i remembered, the last time that he actually wrote and posted on his own was on new year's eve back in 2004. so u can imagine how excited everyone got this morning (or evening) when they saw his message.

i myself cant really believe my eyes when i first saw them in gongsik this morning.
first i saw "배용준입니다-1"
next i saw..again "배용준입니다-2" so at first thought, i thought i was seeing double and that someone must be playing some jokes. cos i did the same thing last time of posting his old messages on board :p
then i looked again. and saw "배용준" and again "배용준"
finally i realised, its REALLY 배용준 !

so quickly i clicked and i read.
reading thru i smiled and i laughed. well, not that i can understand all 100% of what he wrote but enough to understand what he wanted to say. somehow there's this closeness with him reading his self penned (in this case typed) message. i agree with what Kait commented that she felt as though she got a love letter from a boyfriend ! hahahahahaha...

its really great to know that he's recovering well and that he's ready to get on with his photography project. am i gonna 'help' him out?
well, i'll hv to digged into my photo albums first hehe..

and bcos of his recovery i would like to thank someone...
A씨 도음이 많이 주셨어서 감사합니다 !!!

im gonna repost his original korean message here just for my record ^^


this part was posted at 3:21:44am 2008.08.19

안녕하세요 가족 여러분, 배용준입니다.

오늘 날씨가 짖궂긴 했지만 시원한 바람이 상쾌함을 주는 하루가 아니었나 싶습니다. 반면 조금은 차가운 비바람이 계절이 곧 바뀌겠구나 하는 생각을 들게 하더군요. 시간이 벌써 이렇게 흘렀나 싶어 마음이 급해졌습니다. 쉬면서 하고 싶은 일들을 많이 그려놨거든요. 그래서 제일 먼저 가족 여러분들께 편지를 보냅니다.

먼저, 걱정 끼쳐드려 죄송합니다. 수술은 별 탈 없이 잘 진행이 되었구요. 병원에서 며칠 경과를 보다가 퇴원 후 이렇게 컴퓨터 앞에 앉아 우리 가족들에게 편지를 쓸 수 있을 정도로 빠른 회복 단계를 거치고 있는 중입니다. 앞으로는 심려 끼쳐드리지 않겠다는 약속으로 우리 가족 여러분들에게 감사한 마음을 대신 하고 싶어요. 여러분들도 건강 조심하셔야 해요.

제가 앞으로 하고 싶은 일들 중, 한가지에 대해 여러분들과 상의를 좀 할까 합니다.

얼마 전, 제가 한국을 소개 하는 책을 쓰고 싶다는 말을 한 적이 있는데요, 혹시 기억하세요? 사진을 좋아하는 이유도 있지만 무엇보다 한국의 아름다움을 소개하고 싶은 생각이 오래 전부터 들었습니다.

그러니까, 제가 아시아 가족들에게 사랑 받기 시작하면서부터 많은 가족 분들이 한국에 대해 관심을 가져 주신 걸로 알고 있어요. 방문도 하시구요. 그런데 그 방문 루트가 드라마 촬영지에 너무 국한 되는 것이 언젠가부터 안타까웠습니다.
그 중에서도 한국이란 나라에 큰 매력을 느끼시면서도 별 다른 정보가 없어 금새 발을 돌리는 가족분들이나 관광객들은 더욱 더 붙잡고 싶었습니다. 그리고 말하고 싶었습니다.

“한국이란 곳은 평생을 살고 있는 우리에게도 커다란 감동을 안겨 주는 풍경과 문화와 역사를 지닌 나라입니다. 카메라를 들고서 곳곳의 아름다움을 좀 더 담아주세요. 이곳이 내가 태어나고 자란 대한민국입니다. 내가 출연한 드라마나 영화에서 그려지는 한국의 진짜 아름다움입니다. ” 라고 말이죠.

그러면서 내가 먼저 카메라를 들고 여행을 시작하면 어떨까 하는 생각이 들었고, 나의 사진을 통해 조금이나마 한국의 아름다움을 소개하는 책을 내고 싶다는 마음을 가지게 된 것입니다.

그런데 고민이 여기서 끝나진 않았습니다. 여행 루트를 생각하다 보니 너무 유명한 곳, 혹은 내가 가본 몇몇 곳에 치우치게 되더군요. 내가 알지 못하고, 가보지 못한 곳 중에서도 분명 좋은 곳이 있을 텐데.. 도움을 청할 곳이 마땅치 않았습니다. 그러면서 생각난 것이 우리 가족들이었어요! 이 책을 나 혼자만의 힘이 아닌 우리의 힘으로 함께 만들어 보자는 생각이 들었습니다.

어떠세요? 저한테 말씀해주시겠어요?

this part was posted at 3:26:22am 2008.08.19

여러분께서 여행하신 대한민국 곳곳의 아름다움을 저에게 알려주세요. 사진이나 글, 어떠한 정보도 좋습니다. 우연히 들른 한 허름한 식당의 시골밥상도 좋습니다. 차를 세우고 기지개를 펴다 만난 이름 모를 뒷산의 일몰도 좋습니다. 유명한 여행지에서 겪은 재미난 에피소드도 좋습니다. 평생을 한국에서 함께 살아온 분들도, 우연히 한국을 여행하다 한국의 진가를 알게 된 분들도 좋습니다.
아직 한국에 대한 궁금증만 가지고 계시다구요? 그것도 좋아요. 한국의 어떤 면이 궁금한지, 어느 곳에 가보고 싶은지, 무엇이 먹고 싶은지.. 마음껏 제게 아이디어를 제공해 주세요.

여러분의 이야기를 귀 담아 듣고 좋은 책을 만들 수 있는데 최선을 다 해 보도록 할께요. 외국에 있는 우리 가족들 뿐 아니라 한국에 관심이 있는 사람이면 누구나, 이 책을 보고 한국에 오랫동안 머물고 싶은 생각이 들었으면 좋겠습니다.

저의 카메라와 노트와 펜은 준비가 되어 있습니다. 여러분의 이야기를 듣고 바로 여행가방을 싸도록 할게요. 우선 얼마간은 webmaster@byj.co.kr로 메일 보내주세요. 조만간 여러분들의 이야기에 귀 기울일 수 있는 공간을 마련해 보도록 하겠습니다.

몇 주전부터 생각했던 이야기를 털어 놓고 나니 마음이 가볍네요. 저는 이제 떨리는 마음으로 여러분의 이야기를 기다리고 있겠습니다. 저 역시 열심히 공부하고 있을께요.

항상 건강하시고 행복하세요.

2008년 8월 19일 새벽 배용준 드림

글이 한 번에 다 안 올라가서 잠시 잠깐 놀랐습니다.
용량 제한이 있다는 걸 깜박했네요. ^^
보실 때 불편하지 않으셨길 바랄께요.

looks like he took about 5 mins to figure out that the board has a max. length posting..hahaha..

tell me, how not to love this man??

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

everyday is a different day

got home just now to receive some really good news ^^

somebody replied my email after a long time
it was a positive reply so i wont be the only happy person
i'm sure those involved will be very please too ^^

now, im waiting for next tuesday to come
if the outcome is positive on that day too (no, im not getting pregnant :p)
then, i'll be really really happy !

is this byj related? well, its only for me to know..bwahahahahaha !

Monday, August 04, 2008

lament of the day..


just when you thought things are really gonna change for the better.....

nahhhh...it's just another false alarm, AGAIN.

and seems like its even getting WORSE !

sigh~ i really need a break~~


and this has absolutely nothing to do with BYJ :p

Friday, June 13, 2008

Missing & 그리움

i saw this and this...and its making me miss evthing is korea sooooooo much !

i miss taking the plane
i miss setting foot on kimchi land
i miss breathing in the azalean air
i miss talking in my rotten korean

청담골의 김치지개 보고싶다

언니들 보고싶다

톡히 우리 배용준님 절대 보고싶다

한국에 가고싶다 !!!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

6 long bae-years...

there's one thing i forgot to post yday...

BMF's very first BYJ autograph.

when i first opened and saw what he wrote, it really surprised me.
touches me so much to think that he actually took the effort to write the greetings in malay language even it was just 2 words.

"Apa Khapar, Malaysian Family"

though it should hv been "khabar" and not "khapar", we are all deeply touched.
seriously you have to be there to know how delighted everyone was.

(apa khabar = how do you do?/how are you? = annyeong haseyo?)


after having celebrated the 5th anni last sunday, i began to ponder.

in fact while i was blogging about the gathering yday, my mind kept wandering backwards to those early bae-days.

5 years for BMF, 6 years for myself...
wow~ can u believe it? it has been 6 years~
sometimes i wonder how i managed to stay 6 years.
not to forget those who have been around since day 1. that certainly outdo my #6..
i really salute you~

6 long bae-years.
i never realised that i can still actually love him so much after so many years.
ppl used to tell me that...
"star idolisation wont last more than 2 years. u'll just get bored after some time. then u'll regret having waste so much time on someone who don't and wouldn't know you."

well, ive surpassed that 2 years and im still an absolute bae fan.

like i said, i didn't know that im still so charmed by him like i was back in 2002.
i only realised it last saturday when i wanted to prepare some clips for the games at the gathering.

i was searching thru and watching some of the old clips like his CFs, captures, interviews, dramas...when i found the Hotelier's dance scene of Frank and JY in diamond villa.
somehow that frank shin look just struck me.

then i went to look for WLS clips. man~ how i missed Joonsang.
and it was Joonsang, Joonsang was the one. it was his 'fault' and the rest was history.

that nite i ended up doing nothing of the clips. i was supposed to find, edit and show the clips for the games but i did non of that. instead i decided to simplify everything and just ask questions. all thanks to dear YJ for being such a distraction. hahaha...

yeah yeah...blame on the man who don't even know of my existance !

came sunday at the gathering when we were all watching dvds of him, again....i was star struck.
maybe its the effect of watching him on screen on TV. for a long time since after April Snow, ive only watch him thru the pc's monitor bcos i gave away my dvd player to mom.

i remembered when i was suddenly telling the ladies...
"oh~ darn~ why is he sooooo good looking?? he is really so good looking!"
then they were like.."huh? who? who?"
i said "aiya, YJ la of cos !"
then they replied "cheh, who dunno la!" hahahahaha..

i dunno if there'll be another 6 bae-years for me but i do know that even if one day i shall decide to call it quit, i will still cherished all those bae-days i had with the family.

to me, the past years were not just about BYJ.
it was to me a discovery of friendships, an eye-opener
i did not 'came' into the family wanting.
i 'grew' into the family accepting.

tigger and i were just 'talking' about how we missed the good old days.
yes, i admit i have been lucky. we and some of the 'oldies' have been lucky. some even luckier.
it was no doubt, the earlier days were much easier.

but that also means that our dear YJ is moving forward and upwards.
im sure u wouldn't want him to just stay stagnant and not move on.

so, never mind how many official and non-official fan clubs there'll be in the future, whether or not it is BYJ-recognised, it doesn't matter.

but, should your lucky day comes one day, don't forget to tell him your name !^^

as for myself, should lady luck drops by, i would be asking him...

"용준님, 저를 아세요?" ㅋㅋㅋ


so remember, it is only bcos of BYJ that we both know each other.

Monday, May 12, 2008

We are 5 because of you...YJ

had been wondering how i should actually start writing about the gathering we had last sunday.
i did upload all the pics to my pc once i got home but i just couldnt get my brain to edit the photos or even start rewinding the day's happening.

ok ok..i admit...im just plain lazy la ! mian~

anyway the day was........
we started, or rather, I started very early on that very day.
its NOT normal for me to wake up at 7am on a sunday morning :p

went to pick up the food from the market, came home got ready n im off to jennyT's house.

got to jenny's hse half an hour earlier, i was hoping to catch her off guard,
who knows she maybe just about to just 'kick' that last strand of hair under the sofa..hahahaha
but too bad. she was well prepared. she has even prepared some korean tea using her VERY precious set of korean teacups, which she kept reminding us how expensive it is, to welcome us. hahahaha.

ahh, told u since im visiting jenny at her new house for the first time, i bought her some toilet rolls and a bag of detergent. ^^
after some arrangment, we waited for the other sisters to arrive then we are ready to start.actually can't say its a 'start' start cause since we dont really have a specific itinerary..ahh! anyway..we just started la..
so, here's our goodies bag to welcome everyone. KTO provided us some of the souvenirs n i really like the new Korea Sparkling bag ^^

these are some of our prizes for the day's games.
somehow, the same thing always happens at our gathering.
each time there's a new single member joining us, she will be the one who will win big.
it has happened quite a few times and this time the winning baebie was Marilyn.
congrats marilyn !

and here...u may wonder what are these ajummas doing.

u know, before knowing YJ, i never knew that even ajummas are so interested in photography.
see? rosalind was so engrossed that she even needed to stand apart on 2 chairs for that shot!
what was it that made them so excited?....
wait...i'll show u later....

but first...here's our lunch. since we don't have many ppl we decided to just go simple on the food and yet we had so much leftovers. so most of us gotta 'ta-pau' (take-away).

food from top : curry chicken with potatoes, kuih ketayap (malay dessert: coconut wrapped in pandan flavoured rice flour 'skin'), fried meehoon (wasn't suppposed to be spicy but the lady forgot-mian~), rendang daging (spicy malay beef) and bull's eye eggs.
at the bottom there's a walnut cake made by one of the malay sisters.

btw i only had one piece of the walnut cake because i was sooo full.
the cake was really nice.
so...yati, next gathering buat lagi ye? ^^
and then, those stuff on the left...hehe..dang dang dang...

its our birthday jelly cake!

but first we had to move our bday cake out to the living room to get a better 'position' haha..see?

nice or not?

bb was saying she didn't know that our logo was blue apple. well, it has been since 2006. it was designed by one of our sisters who very seldom join us due to her work.

dida, thanks again for the design and next time make sure no more clashes with ur work..ok?

oh, why the blue apple? well, if you call urself part of the Bae family, u should know.

see the smaller jellies at the side? those are take-away for evone.
i dunno if evone like the taste of the jellies but i myself kinda like it. the blue apple has got pandan flavor while the smaller ones were coffee flavoured.

then, it was family photo time..click click...

but wait !
i forgot something really important. how can i even forget such an important thing???

it's our dear YJ's autograph to the family.
suddenly, evone got so excited. for a moment i was afraid that it might get torn or something. well, u can't blame them cause this was the VERY FIRST TIME that we, BMF, ever got an OFFICIAL autograph from BYJ.

after a while, evone calmed down. the next thing u know, ajumma photographers in action again.

seriously, you cannot imagine how happy evone was to finally receive such an 'honour' to have an autograph by the man himself to the family. and the fact that he actually wrote in malay surprises evone.

YJ, we at BMF are really so thankful to you !

JennyT our hostess of the day. forever our model-wannabe. she's the one who refused, i repeat, REFUSED to hug YJ when she went on stage in spore back in 2003.
evone who went up hugged him except her ! can u believe that?????
i remembered YJ looking confused too as she kept her distance. bwahahahahahahahahahaha !!!

i wonder if she'll do it if given a second chance. bcos she said that she hugs only her own hubby wor... :p

ok, so after all the fuss, we got together again for the family photo.

this time, its a real family photo together with YJ....in signature~

finally after all these so called 'customary' bae-routine. we settled down.

we watched his clips, twssg, asian tour, CFs, etc.
we chat, we talked, we laughed, we swooned our the man..on tv.
its really amazing how this man, i dunno about you, but to me, can still mesmerised me like the very first time i saw him in Winter Sonata back in 2002.
oh~ he's really absolutely so BYJ !

ooppss...ok ok sorry back to the gathering first...
after spending some 3 hours of BYJ+gossips talk, we decided to call it a day.

we helped jenny to clean a little before leaving n made sure evthing's in its order before we came in. hahhaha...

before i say my thanks, let me just show u what was inside our goodies bag.

all the above was sponsored by KTO except the AS folder, Keychain and of cos his autographed photo ^^


my foremost thanks to YJ for his time taken to sign the autograph for us.
애메리씨 도음 많이 주셨어서 진심으로 감사드립니다.

thank you unni for your help in buying the stuff !

thank you to JennyT for letting us use her place.

thank you to KTO who sponsored us those lovely gifts. looking at those brochure makes me wanna go korea again !

last but not least...

thank you so much to all of you who attended.
honestly, it is me who need to thank all of you who came. because without you, i myself alone cannot make things happen. "it takes two to tango" so give urself a pat on the back too.

till we meet again...take care !

ps : remember to tune in to TWSSG on Astro ShuangXin 10.30pm from June 30th 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008

BMF's 5th birthday !

it was back in may 2003 when a few of us decided to 'start a family' for the local bae fans..
there wasnt many of us but still we kept it growing little by little where we'll have someone new joining us each time we gather. and along the years we has much fun together...

come this sunday (11th may 2008) we'll be celebrating our 5th birthday ! ^^

again it'll just be a simple celebration for the family.
this time we made it different from previous years, we'll be celebrating at a fellow sister's new house. let's just hope we dont break any glasses or spill any drink on her sofa hahahaha..

problem is for me now is that until today i have yet to come up with any games for the ladies @@~
what else can we do then to just look and talk about ONE man??
funny thing is..i dont think anyone will be bored by doing just that.
sometimes i just cant believe myself why there's so many things to talk about just ONE particular man and that being someone who dont even know us !
just simply amazing !~

well, there's only 2 more day to go. so i better start cracking :p

ps : spore family JF too is celebrating their 5th anni this May. tiff, hv we ever discussed among ourselves why we chose May to start? no, right? what a coincidence. hehe.. u ladies hv real good fun over there!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

TWSSG On Malaysian TV !!!

finally finally finally...

spoke to 3 person today that finally confirmed to me that..
"Yes ! BYJ's The Legend (TWSSG) will be on air on Malaysian TV !"

yes ! yes ! yes !

i almost wanted to jump for joy. but i had a little too much to do at work today to do that..hehe..
i was quite dissappointed when a previous local distributor told me that they had to 'let go' of getting the copyrights for the drama due to the $$. but when i heard spore will get their 'share' of the pie later this month, i knew i had to do something.
so today, it's confirmed that we will also be able to watch it on TV !

though it'll be on pay TV and will on air late next month, it's definitely better than nothing..right? ^^

here's the airtime details :

Drama : The Legend
No. of Episodes : 32 (this is being edited from the original 24 to fit in the time slot)
Beginning : Monday 30th June 2008
Channel : Astro Shuang Xin
AirTime : 10.30-11.30pm
Repeat : 1.30-2.30am

according to sources, there'll be some promos and contest running up to the screening.so do watch out and of course i'll keep everybody informed ^^

to those of you who have yet to subscribe to Astro Shuang Xin.. SUBSCRIBE NOW !

oh~ im so happy today. in fact, ive been really really happy for the past 3 days..hahaha..

Friday, April 11, 2008

computer oppsoyo...


im actually still without a pc..of my own..
its been almost 2 weeks now since it got 'fired' by 'Mr. Lightning'!

so had to rely on using my cousin's which is not so convenient la..
cos each time he'll be circling around checking on what im doing :p

anyway...i was quite pleased to receive a reply from KTO KL today that they'll be supporting our coming 5th anniversary gathering with some souvenirs. and they are finally doing something more to 'show-off Korea' to the ppl here. ^^

Monday, March 31, 2008

everybody but me !


TWSSG - first in Phillipines now will be in Thailand

Gosireh - first in Japan now going to be in Hong Kong, Shanghai & Singapore


everything everywhere BUT MALAYSIA !

what is wrong with you Malaysia???

should i say the problem lies with the fans/family?

where and what are you doing???


maybe its my fault....

oh~ should i be sad?

I AM SAD ~~~

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

the shirt...

bb said she liked the shirt yj was wearing for the phone ad
hey..me too !!

when i first saw this pic..i thought the shirt was the most 'outstanding' in the pic...that is NOT taking into account his gorgeous look and hand there of course. really like the particular shade of red there and its very 'fine dots'..

then, came the 2nd pic.
oh ! its and 'inside out' shirt with the under lining in a darker shade of red with white polka dots.

and today...we see more of the shirt.

look !

i really really like the shirt ! anybody has any idea what brand is the shirt? Paul Smith??

and...i think he..and his knee...is getting on real~~ good.

그리고...오늘..그 이메일 답장 덕분에 맘이 참 좋아요.
애미리씨 잘 부탁하고 감사합니다 !

기다릴게요 ^^

ps : many thanks to kaorin and miemi for the pics !

Thursday, March 06, 2008

my orange man...again..

i really really like this article.
i was practically smilling away while reading this ^^

so i just gotta shovel from bb's blog..hehe...
thanks bb and sweet sister !

original in japanese: Kim Yeon Woon / E-Daily SPN 2008/03/04
translated into english: a sweet sister / bb's blog

Yang Geun Hwan, BOF Director
Just as Popular as BYJ

Yang Geun Hwan, BOF Director, is a celebrity among BYJ fans.

Working as manager for BYJ for eight years, he has shared in his joys and sorrows because he is a person that knows better than anyone every move that BYJ makes.

This is why Director Yang is often asked for his autograph by BYJ fans in both Korea and Japan. It is not just hallyu star BYJ that is asked to sign his autograph, many times director Yang is asked for his autograph.

In an interview with E-Daily SPN, director Yang said, “There are also fans who want to take photos with me or they ask for my autograph”, but he stressed, “But this is because of the fans’ interest in the actor BYJ whom I manage, and it is not due to the fact that I am conspicuous to the fans.”

Director Yang added, “When BYJ is unable to participate in an event, I will sometimes attend in his place to represent BOF, and despite this, the fans are very happy” or “There are some fans that even know my birthday and celebrate it which is a bit embarrassing but makes me happy.”

But director Yang said, “In truth, a manager that creates his own popularity which is equal to that of a star is illogical” and he stressed that “It is important to remember that the fans want to derive some satisfaction through the manager who is a substitute for the star they like.”

** helen ar !! look what he's talking about !!! kakakaka**

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


감기 = cold, flu

2 weeks and im still sneezing.
im already finishing the 2nd round of antibiotics today and yet im still being 'bugged'.
if i take anymore of them im really gonna be walking in the air @@~

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


had CNY dinner with some bae ladies yday nite.

as usual it was all laughter, laughter and more laughter.

guess the 'wind' that went inside made us full instead of the food..hehe..

i did bring a camera with me but forgot all about it until i was already on the way home so no pics la.

i was popped the question as to why my bloggy is still featuring MY orange man after so long.

well..he's just as nice to look at as our dear YJ.

another reason will be due to a FOUR letter word "L.A.Z.Y'

so i thought today i just babble a little. furthermore tomoro's some special day (tho i hv absolutely nothing to do with it..but i did get myself something cheap..hehe) i thought i'll just push my orange man a little la..

but seriously...lately ive been almost 'away' and very 'under-dosed' with anything BYJ.

is this good or bad???

another thing...im curious if he's as curious of us as we are of him...hmmm...



Thursday, January 10, 2008

Friday, January 04, 2008

2007 & BYJ

2007 was a year full of ups and downs for myself and i supposed likewise for YJ too..

im a person that do not really believe in setting any new year resolution...most likely due to my laziness :p BUT whatever 'mistake(s)' ive done over the past year, i DO make sure that i WILL NOT do it again...or what ive not done good i will do it better. so this year will be no difference.

i believe it was much joy and happiness on the past 30th nite when our dear YJ was recognised with MBC's Grand Award ^^ dont think there's any need to make a repetition of the eventful nite except that it was really a nite of jubilant for all TWSSG team, YJ and of course ourselves, the Bae family..

and he, was absolutely so so good looking (and very healthy looking too) that nite ^^

i started 2008 with a bang!

had a great outing with my family that was filled with food and laughter ^^

told you that i dont make any new year resolution BUT i do have many wishes upon the stars..and you bet i'll have both BYJ and Korea 'embedded' among those wishes..hehehe..

to everyone out there...

may all your wishes and dreams come true in the year to come..
may you be happy and stay healthy always !

ps : even though YJ do not know who i am, i should say ive no regret being part of the Bae family. and...I Absolutely Love Bae Yong Joon !!!

pps : looks like there are some ppl out there who do not seemed to like 'what' and 'who' i babble about. may i suggest that these ppl go click somewhere else where they can find something of their own interest? why even bother to even come here and see something u don like?
life will be better and happier for everyone if we all go search and do something we love and like.
dont u agree?