Who Am I?

- yokee 요키
- It was back in 7th Aug 2002 that i first laid eyes on him. There was no 'turning back' since then. Through him i've learned so much, with him the world seems brighter and because of him i've found much more than love. Forever and always... Absolutely Bae Yong Joon ! 처음사랑 끝까지...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
JAB Mix...
i just realised that i actually forgot to repost the captures of epi 18 & 19 here.
must be due to all the recent noises and hype. so to those who may be interested #18 is here and #19 here.
someone shovelled a posting from song jina's (twssg writer) homepage to kob. seems like there was a plan to have a season 2 to twssg long ago.
now..dont get all work up again but the post only talked about the plan and neither info or details of the sequel nor ending of the current series was mentioned. and it was stated that 'it was a plan'
anyhow, from what i read many korean fans are against the idea of a sequel.
i, myself, am against it too. not only because of YJ, esp in his recent condition, but also becos i never like sequel to anything. im not gonna start listing those sequel i think is bad, but seriously most of them IS BAD ! and please hear me...im not saying ALL, im saying MOST.
sometimes i cant ustand why do they want to do a sequel. ok, commercial wise is bcos the first one managed to rake in the millions if not the billions. other than that i dont see why. in most cases of sequel, they tend to drag and 'eee-longg-gate' the original storyline which turns out to be so bored and tired that u'll begin to dislike even the main character. eventually you'll realised that you just wasting your time.
on the other hand in some cases where u may not like a particular ending to a show, where u'll go "huh? what??" at the time when u see the word 'THE END' and the credits starts to scroll. then, maybe you'll want a 'follow-up' to what you may think is a cliffhanger. but then again...why in the first place do they need to make the show end in such a cliffhanging way? why cant they just make an 'appropriate' (be it happy or sad) ending to the show?
so in tis case of twssg, i think and i hope it'll end good and 'appropriately'.
it's supposed to be a historic drama so it should somehow has all the chronologies stated.
but...i was told you may need tissues as we see the end of the journey...
and so...to ms.song, i would say 'no' to a sequel. thank you and i rest my case on tis one.
and we should hv also 'rested' case on the 'previous' case too. so i shouldnt dig into it anymore.
but let me just say tis...
i would like to praise not only the family for being so supportive of him but also, his management company BOF for maintaining the composure that they always have in times like this.
they have always managed to stay calm and steady in tense situation like this and did their best not to alarmed the family. there may be times when information is limited and slow, or at times inadequate, i still think they are doing all their best to serve the big BIG family out there. coming to this, i shall thank so so many sisters that have helped with endless numbers of information relays and translations just to quench the thirst of the big BIG family that comes in all cultures, races and of cos languageS !
my~ what a United BAENation we have here ^^
as for IMX, a business partner of BOF/Keyeast, i particularly have to thank Mr.Sohn for always being there for his dear friend, our dear YJ. many of us, myself included, are thankful for his words and his recent 'official' message treated a relieve for many.
BOF or some of the people there that i know of are nice people. they do, do their best to handle 'family affairs' as much as possible. i know becos ive heard and ive seen the changes and improvement.
my bae-journey is more than 6 years old. it did take me some time to ustand why i stuck on to the family for so long.
2 reasons :- 1. Bae Yong Joon 2. Bae Family (fans + his management)
seriously, i consider his management (esp MY orange man) as part of the big BIG family. and for some reasons as part of the family i experience changes and improvement too.
I LEARNED KOREAN for the very obvious reason, i eat korean, i cook korean and i even 'accessorised' myself 'korean-ly'. (hahaha...whatever that means :p)
well, all in all, for all the babbling ive done today, once again...
im grateful that we can all have faith in him,
march with him as he is king (tiff's version),
all the way absolutely !
and thank you for tuning in (mishio's version) ^^
why must they make so much sadness in just one epi??
lets start with Sujini finally 'realising' her power of fire!
it was not only the thought of leaving the king that saddens her (and me) but also the thought of leaving behind her master and family...all because of fate. a destiny of fate ever since she was born....
what does destiny and fate got to do with me?
why me???
it was so difficult saying goodbye to him. it was so painful. ㅠ.ㅠ.......
he was puzzled. he hasnt the slightest idea what she meant.
and when she finally leaves and he couldnt find her.
he misses her....
"수지니를 꼭 찾아서 데려와줘" "you must find Sujini and bring her here"
i was so so absolutely touched when he said that. that worried look in his face and the heavy-hearted sound of his voice, just breaks my heart. oh~ my king~~

it was a night of tears....
Sunday, November 18, 2007
to love him is to believe in him...
people always say 'sometimes something are best left unspoken' and most of the time i agree.
hence less 'rubbish' coming from me if you noticed..full stop.
but today i just thought i have to have my voices heard.
many may beg to differ from my 'not-so-smart-but-i-think-i-know-better-though-i dont-know-much-thoughts', i apologise and you may choose to stay away from me. annyong~
bcos the post was something out of the ordinary even for myself im shovelling it here just for record hehe..
dear everyone...
its really amazing to see the kind of love and support our dear YJ nim gets everytime 'something' happens. the amount of visitors here actually doubled and doubled ever since the injury news broke out. it has been quite sometime now that the official home gets so 'lively'
ok now..lets get to the point..
i may not be the right person to say this but having been around in the family since the old old WLS days i would just like to share my thoughts and opinion on his recent injury..
im sure everyone has been really shocked when news of his injury first broke out. including myself and few other sisters from other countries started text messaging non-stop from the time we got the news in the noon till late at night. no idea what we texted but 'worry' has always been the topic. i came home, like most of you i even wrote our dear YJ nim a message here. telling him what most everyone was saying about his health and what WE think HE should do. then i went to sleep with 'mr. worry'
then came yesterday..after some sleep my worries seemed to have mellowed a little. my brains seemed to have returned to normal after the shocked suffered the day before. then i started thinking about what i wrote yesterday to him.
have i been a little too hasty with what ive written to him?
if i always say i know him so well, have i actually consider how he will feel reading my message?
i may be wrong i may be right. sitting down with a clear mind i think again..
is he one person that will do things without thinking twice? no. i think he actually think thrice.
why did he asked for a 'no name naming' in the finger injury incident?
because he knew the family well
how is he able to maintain his 'beautifulness' while still enduring such pain in him?
because he love his family and knew them well.
i am very sure BYJ being BYJ, is an ABSOLUTE SMART person.
im sure intelligence is one of the qualities in him that makes you love him, right? ^^
he wouldnt be doing something that he shouldnt do.
im sure he has weighted the pros and cons each time he makes a decision.
and at times decisions are make not only for himself but for others too.
right now, what we can all do is to only support his decision.
nobody can force him to do anything that he cant or dont want to do (this i can be very sure)
he knows himself better than anyone else. he will stop when he thinks he should stop.
so, if he decides to go ahead we should be with him all the way
and here's something i think we SHALL be doing..
PLEASE STOP putting blame on any party. the decision is his and his ALONE.
this should 'reduce' some stress in him as he has never want his family to be worrying too much.
if you think you love him, believe in him, have faith in him and give him all your support !!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
he's enduring the pain...
like bb said why am i being so worried over someone that dont even know me??
i hv absolutely no idea at all. its just that...and i dunno why im even shedding tears ㅠ.ㅠ....
slimmer, MRI scan, one hand waving....should we all sensed something must hv been wrong???
no idea but what i know is there shouldn't be anyone to blame. im sure he thinks the same too.
we thought we know best asking him to just stop and get treated BUT he himself should know better.
being who he is we know we should believe and have trust in him.
용준님 언제나 밑을게요. 아짜 !!! 절대 홧팅 !!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
my orange man has spoken...
it has been so so long since he last wrote and posted in ob..so i consider this a 'treasure'
my orange treasure ^^
im surprised he's still using his old id which is 양실짱 (Yang Siljang=Chief Yang) he has actually been promoted to a much higher rank 양이사 (Yang i-sa=Director Yang).
but i still prefer to call him yang siljang cos thats what i called him when i met him for the first time back in 2003 and i think it sounds nicer so i still do call him 양실짱님 ^^
here's his original posting from KOB...
안녕하세요.양근환 입니다.
양실짱 19:51:20 279
안녕하십니까, 가족여러분.
너무 오랫만에 글을 남깁니다. 그 동안 건강히 잘 지내셨는지요?시험일이면 항상 날씨가 쌀쌀했었는데, 올해는 예년에 비해 큰 추위가 아니어서 다행이라는 생각이 듭니다. 수험생분들과 주위에 수험생을 두신 가족분들 그 동안 정말 고생 많으셨습니다. 오늘 시험 치르신 모든 가족분들께 꼭 좋은 결과가 있기를 기원합니다.
배용준씨는 현재 태왕사신기 막바지 촬영에 최선을 다하고 있습니다. 여러 가지 부상으로 인해 체력적으로 상당히 어려운 상황이지만, 가족분들의 한결 같은 응원 때문에 힘을 내어 촬영에 임하고 있습니다. 촬영이 잘 마무리 될 수 있도록 끝까지 격려해 주시길 부탁 드립니다.
늘 한마음으로 응원에 주셔서 감사 드립니다.
감기 조심하시고, 항상 건강 하십시오.
양근환 올림.
english translated and posted by Joanne in Quilt
Mr. Yang Geunhwan, a board director at the BOF, posted this on the Talk Box of BYJ's official home under name of Yangsiljjang(Section Chief Yang).
How are you, I am Yang Geunhwan,
How are you, dear family.
I am leaving a writing in a very long time. Have you been healthy and well all the while, havn't you?Although it had been always chilly on examination* days(*scholastic aptitude test for college entrance was held in Korea today), I think it is fortunate that it was not too cold in this year compared to other years.Students who took the examination and our family who have examinees around you, you really took much pains all the while.I pray and wish for all family who took the examination today to have good result without fail.
At present, Mr. BYJ is doing all his best in last moment filming of the 'TWSSG'.Although he is in pretty difficult situation physically due to various injuries, he is working on the filming gaining strength due to unwavering cheer up from dear family. I beg you to please encourage (him) till the end to finish the filming well. I thank you for supporting him always in same heart.
Please watch out for colds, and always be healthy.
Respectfully from Yang Geunhwan.
Friday, November 09, 2007
JAB of something
wow~imagine how u can actually 'play around' with Prince Damdeok! oh!~ @@~
bb was talking about the progress of the drama production as we see yj's injured finger in the recent epi 17. which means it was only filmed quite recently when it was reported earlier that they only had 4 more epis to go. so how is it actually going? is it that filming has been delayed or could it be becos yj was injured while filming that scene and they had to redo that particular part so thats why we get to see his injured finger? i actually hv no problem with the filming schedule as long as they get their work done smoothly but seems like work has not been easy lately with the actors and crew having to film quite long hours. especially with the weather already getting really cold ~~~
just wish everything could finish fast so that everyone can rest rest rest ! which they really need after working on the project for sooo long and mind you the actors themselves do have other individual work in between shoots. phew~ talk about hard earned money !
ah~ coming to that our yj was top on this year's list of top earning celeb in korea with 430 bil won. 용준님 점심을 사주실래요? YJ nim..can buy me lunch please???
then mishio told about how close the fans could get to him during filming lately. it reminds me of when i was on location while he was filming April Snow 2 years ago in Mokdong. at one point of a scene where he was supposed to walk towards where we were standing, we were soo close that u can actually feel his body heat coming to u ! goodness gracious ! and he was doing the same thing for about 5-6 times. thank god i managed to stay calm and sane !
i know....there were some issues around about write ups/reports on individual 'encounters/sightings' of BYJ. i myself hv written quite a few..not many but im grateful...of such stuff. so u may call me a boast or a show-off. i din mean to 'get-involved' in this particular issue but really...many of us just mean to share. nothing else but to share with you the excitement.
as a matter of fact, when we say...we miss the good ole days..we really do mean it!
so...and i think ive said this many times...how i love EJiah's homepage motto "its all a matter of perspective"
but seriously..believe me...once u see him IN PERSON...u'll just wanna tell the whole wide world about how absolutely BYJ he is !!! and it is no joke what this man can do to you once he look you in the eye ! and YES ! he do look at you in the eye even if you seemed to be metres away from him..yet you still feel as though he is looking right at you !

and becos i think he is already looking right at me now i think i should go and dream on~~
#16 & #17...
then came epi 17...
i had much anticipation watching epi 17 as i was looking forward to the fight btw the king's army and the Hwacheons. and of cos the relationship btw Damdeok and Sujini or Sujini and Cheoro ^^
but before that...the scene where Damdeok went to meet Kiha was another climax to yday's epi. i just love it when he said “내 안에 미련이 있어 찾아왔지만 이제 됐다” ("being stupid i came her looking but now its enough") and “내 마음은 모두 끝났다” ("my heart is all finished")
oh dear...im so bad at translating :p
that look on his face...sad regret and anger...the way he walked out on her...and finally 'cutting off' that rope with his sword...oh~~~@@~~
then came the fight scene. should i say im so very impressed with the CGs. esp the part where they made Dae Jangro (Choi Minsoo) flew and moved ala matrix and finally when Cheoro threw the spear at him and flew again to death. haha i dunno if this correctly explained the scene but it was a good one.
of cos...i don think i need to say how good Damdeok was fighting in this particular scene too and of cos not to even mention his injured finger.
finally at the end of epi 17 nothing much happened btw Damdeok+Sujini and Sujini+Cheoro. except that we know what to expect in epi 18 !!!!!
look ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
i'll be real curious to know why Sujini shed tears while she do the 'skinship hug' with Damdeok.
and im sooo very wanna see the part where he put his arm over her shoulder. oh~ i also want !!!~~~~
btw..she is so the very pretty hor? ^^
ah~ see this pic? ↓↓↓
see the 'bruise' on the face? with his finger REALLY injured and having a 'bruised' face like that...it makes him such a REAL MAN that i soooooo love !
and u know...it has been a long time that i actually 'caress' his face on my computer screen. haha u must think im crazy. but really...i used to 'touch' his face and 'brush' his hair like that.
and today i dunno why i just so want to 'caress' his face especially when he is having that kind of look that u just cant resist looking. aiyo..i dunno how to explain but somehow im being 'killed' all over again by him !
just like how bb feels when she said falling in love all over again !

Monday, November 05, 2007
BMF's Kimchi Raya Gathering 2-4 Nov 2007
oh well anyway...let's get started...
we had actually planned for this gathering about 2 months ago and we wanted to try something new. so we decided to checked into a 2 room service apartment in the heart of KL city (neighboring KLCC..so we actually get a good view of the KLCC park^^). since the malay sisters are still celebrating hari raya (muslim new year) they decided to treat us non malay sisters to a hari raya feast ^^
becos some food needed to be prepared earlier, 3 malay sisters first checked in on 2nd nov (fri).
while other sisters will bring more food the next day.
3rd nov (sat).
jeannie and myself were the first 2 to arrived bringing those kimchi stuff.
then other sisters especially those with food came...u know..it was really fun when u greet them at the door and check out what they hv with them hahahaha...
meantime we also got those cabbages washed and cut up and soaked in salt water...
when all the makan (food) are ready we arranged them on the table making it our own hari raya buffet ^^
here..take a look at our spread of yummy makan..we got rendang ayam(malay stew curry chicken), satay sauce (spicy peanut sauce), curry potato chicken, nasi lemak(cocunut cooked rice), tomato spaghetti, nasi himpit(steamed pressed rice), lemang(grilled bamboo rice) and vegetables.

as for dessert we had agar-agar (gelatin/pudding), various types of cookies, chips, fruits, korean pears (^^) and cakes...
oh..i love the cake...kak yati u made the cake right? can i have some more please?? ^^

as for the kimchi preparation...some sisters helped with the cabbages garlic ginger spring onions, wash cut soak blend, everyone was busy with something.
oh..there were few who din help cos they were busy watching TWSSG. hehe...

since the cabbages needed some time to soak, everyone digged in to feed their stomach first.
there were so much food that we had a hard time deciding what to eat first. as for myself i went first for the nasi himpit and rendang and satay sauce....oh..sedapnya !~~~~ (so tasty~~)
while eating...of cos everyone helped themselves to what/who else but King Damdeok !

guess what they are looking at....? ↓↓↓

Damdeok of cos !! ↑↑↑
when its time for the kimchi...oops i don hv enough kimchi pics to show u here cos my hands were busy :p
but it was all just mix and mix until it became like tis ↓↓↓

the kimchi is then distributed into containers so that each sister who came have one each to take home. i know some who had more than one and someone even had a BIGGER container ! see that blue top container ???
then we had Ann to teach us on how to do a 'self breast examination'. being a member of the National Cancer Society and a cancer survivor herself she told us her 'fight' and taught us about self determination.
thank u ann...we appreciate it very much. and yes i will make it happen !!!
then it was time for family pics. look who's the wannabe is :p
sorry norni...u can only DREAM and DREAM ON~~~~

and here are those sisters who made us the delicious yummy food ^^ !
thank u sisters the food were really good and sedaaaaaapppppp ! (tasty)
u know evtime there's a gathering of BYJ's family, 'talk' is something that can never ceased. i believe this happen to ALL families. ours' was no difference especially when someone says she's leaving we'll still continnue to talk from the moment she says she's leaving till the moment she closes the door behind her.
one sister said "oh..see..we still talk when she say she wanna go...then still talk when she finally gets up...and then still talking non stop for at least another 10 minutes then she'll walk to the door..again talk...then she'll open the door..talk another 10 more minutes..finally when she really close the door behind her and leave, u realise that she actually take 30 minutes to really go away!"
sigh...are all gals/women like this??? non stop talking? or its only becos of BYJ???? hehehe...
oh...we haven't even finished the gathering but we are already planning our next one big . we'll be going to Port Dickson next May. it was a decision between Genting Highlands and Port Dickson. some sisters were imagining how romantic the beach scene in WLS so the winner goes to Port Dickson ! haha
tho it wont be another 6-7 months we are all so excited about it ^^ we even planned what to eat...guess what.....Korean BBQ...so im responsible to learn how to marinate the beef :p hehehehe ^^
most of us only stayed on Saturday while 4 other sisters checked out of the apartment on Sunday. hmm..wonder what they did?? must be gossipping..what else :p
to those who weren't able to join us...well...sorry u missed the fun and of cos the gooood food ! hahahahahaha....so make sure u join us on our next gathering la.
we would like to invite other sisters outside of Malaysia to join us too. tho the plan is still tentative but if u are really interested pls email me and i'll keep u updated.
last but not least...
my sincere gratitude to ALL sisters who came and those who sent regards. i really appreciate your support for the family and of cos your continuos love for our dear BYJ!
Terima Kasih ! THANK YOU ! 감사합니다 ! Kamsahamnida !
Forever 배용준 ! 영원히 사랑합니다 ♥ I Love You !
Sunday, November 04, 2007
new kid on the block → Lee Phillip
his official website http://cafe.star-k.co.kr/LPL/
don u think he's good looking?? i think he is ^^
and the fact that he's borned in 1981...haha what a coincidence.
all my banchans seemed to be in 1981 bwahahahaha...

looks like we'll hv another good looking up and coming korean actor on the way.
it seems that lately there's a rising number of korean actors and actresses (pure and mix) who return from overseas. n 2 of the latest is already starring in this year's biggest drama TWSSG.
#14 & #15...
epi 14 captures...
epi 15 captures....
it is certainly getting more and more exciting as the story unfolds especially with Damdeok having more n more feelings for Sujini (oh~ lucky gal~). saw how he reacted when she was taken away by Cheoro (blue dragon)? the kind of 'worried and yet still look cool' look of him...oh~ i love it !
the thing about Kiha...well depending on how u look at it...its not what she but rather how the situation demanded her to be. see how cruel love can make u out to be...
there's a recent pic that i like a lot....↓

and u see this?
clips for next epi 16. looks like someone is gonna get smitten by someone else. and someone is not gonna be happy with it. oh im gonna like epi 16 a lot ^^
ok la...maybe Sujini's not that kind of person. she may just be thinking of no one else but...
hahahaha ever wonder how u look like when u think of him???