well..its really great pleasure to meet evone again after quite some time
think the last we met was last aug..

so tis is one reason why we can never get enough ppl to gather as big a family as we one. but maybe someday we will....
oh dear..why am i babbling with all these?? ok ok...lets get on with the gathering..
since we have our malay sisters with us tis time we decided to have lunch at this korean restaurant 'Koryo Won' in Kompleks Antarabangsa along Jalan Sultan Ismail (its 2 or 3 blocks away from Life Centre)
most of us decided to hv the buffet after 'surveying' their spread which is not too bad but we did ordered 2 ala carte that werent served. aiyo..come to think of it..sorry ah...forgot to take pic of the food la. hahaha why didnt anybody tot of it eh???

so off we went chomping on the food..i myself had some bulgogi some ojing-o bokum (spicy octopus) some barbecue meat, kimchi chigae, kimchi pajeon and dessert was normal fruits and stuff and oh..one more my fav. sikhye (fermented rice punch) ^^
in btw there were much chatting munching chatting munching and occasionally laughing hahahahaha..
oh yeah..we managed to get a new family member today. her name is Nelly she a waitress at the restaurant. we were all going thru some of his stuff that jenny brought when Nelly suddenly came in and ask if she could also join us. she told us she like BYJ very much and she was soooooooo happy and smiling all the way with all the BYJ stuff she got. look...
the thing is she's supposed to be working so when her supervisor came in and saw her sitting down with us she was kinda

she was asking "who's that?" we said "u know BYJ?" she said "no" but she came in as well and looked. Nelly went out with her after that. then later on she came in again and asked for more details about our family n pls be reminded she IS still on duty. but i guessed she's ok cos at the end of evthing both Nelly and her supervisor were both smiling and talking happily. phew~ thank goodness we din get Nelly into any trouble..haha talk about the distraction this man can make !
we went on with some photo taking and planning for the next gathering.
and tis one..don ask me. but i heard there's some 'Scandal' around these 2 ladies due to the coming 'April Snow' on 8TV !
(hahahaha no pun intended but really...watch out for April Snow on 8TV soon ^^)
we all agreed to meet at Kak Ani's house coming May 13th (sunday) to make some kimchi ^^ (there shouldnt be any problem with tis arrangement so far so anyone of u interested pls email and let me know for us to make the arrangement. meanwhile i'll post details later)
tho there wasnt much talk about BYJ during those 120 minutes, im still glad that we were all there bcos we are part of the family and deep down he is still the BOSS and now...THE KING !!!

i would like to thank evone who came. and to those of u who couldnt make it tis time pls join us for our kimchi. ok? ^^