hey..me too !!
when i first saw this pic..i thought the shirt was the most 'outstanding' in the pic...that is NOT taking into account his gorgeous look and hand there of course. really like the particular shade of red there and its very 'fine dots'..

then, came the 2nd pic.
oh ! its and 'inside out' shirt with the under lining in a darker shade of red with white polka dots.
and today...we see more of the shirt.
look ! ↓
i really really like the shirt ! anybody has any idea what brand is the shirt? Paul Smith??
and...i think he..and his knee...is getting on real~~ good.
그리고...오늘..그 이메일 답장 덕분에 맘이 참 좋아요.
애미리씨 잘 부탁하고 감사합니다 !
기다릴게요 ^^
ps : many thanks to kaorin and miemi for the pics !
Hi Yokee, this may be my first time commenting on your blog. Nice to meet you!
I don't know what brand the shirt is but it seems to me it's a two-piece thinghy: a cloth shirt with interesting inside-out details plus a thin knit cardy with satin bands over the side seams. Whatever it is, it looks stylishly casual.
I feel so dumb, I hadn't noticed his 'bad' knee was bent in one of the pics. Could it be the pics were taken 'before'. Like you, I hope it means he's doing much better.
hi gosijo..
its been quite sometime we get 'cf pics' of him like this. so we tend to be more attentive and look at every detail of the pic hehe..
thanks for dropping by ^^
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