haha..what a lame title :p
u know...evtime i blog i'll hv trouble with the title/subject...
so anyway... having been a bae fan all these years..
there's one particular thing that u'll never fail to learn PATIENCE.
and that is 'patience with total and absolute zero complaint'
what? u hv no idea what it is? hmm..then maybe u still arent a family yet :p
so...what do i normally do during these time of waiting?
well...i get into affairs...bwahahahahaha.
guess some of u already know who my part time lovers are he he he...
recently one of my best lover got himself a new drama project which will start airing in coming march.
and tis is one of recent pic from his on location shooting...
and the moment i saw the pic..it reminds me of someone....

who? aiyo don tell me u dunno la....
tis man lor ^^

i did hv some trouble looking for a better capture of that particular scene. i remembered that there's actually another pic of him showing his torso in one of the LG Card CF.
so i went SOS in baeto cafe and dear platonicjoon unni gave me these...
so i went SOS in baeto cafe and dear platonicjoon unni gave me these...

the above pics are the actual pics of the cf.
they are all new to me too n most of us were asking "how come ive never seen them before???"
hahaha...just when u tot u hv seen evthing of him :p
u know...there's something i always see in my banchan*
before that..let me remind u..tis is my blog so im free to babble whatever is in my mind :p
i always think that my banchan will one day be the next BYJ. ^^
still i remind u that tis is my blog bwahahahaha...
why? well...most of the time n in some ways..they do hv something in common.
but im not gonna go into details explaining....mian hae~
so let me just share another of their 'something in common'...
they are all new to me too n most of us were asking "how come ive never seen them before???"
hahaha...just when u tot u hv seen evthing of him :p
u know...there's something i always see in my banchan*
before that..let me remind u..tis is my blog so im free to babble whatever is in my mind :p
i always think that my banchan will one day be the next BYJ. ^^
still i remind u that tis is my blog bwahahahaha...
why? well...most of the time n in some ways..they do hv something in common.
but im not gonna go into details explaining....mian hae~
so let me just share another of their 'something in common'...
the rest will be something for u to find out..if u r interested that is haha...
oh..does tis mean i still search on for my banchan news these days?
yes of cos ! evday without fail i'll check on him AFTER i check on YJ. ^^
*banchan = side dishes in korean.
Ju Jihoon a model turned actor made his tv debut in the hit drama 'Goong' in 2006. his 2nd drama 'Ma Wang 마왕' will be on air in march.
so while i wait for the king i'll feast my eyes on the prince first..bwahahahahaha
oh..does tis mean i still search on for my banchan news these days?
yes of cos ! evday without fail i'll check on him AFTER i check on YJ. ^^
*banchan = side dishes in korean.
Ju Jihoon a model turned actor made his tv debut in the hit drama 'Goong' in 2006. his 2nd drama 'Ma Wang 마왕' will be on air in march.
so while i wait for the king i'll feast my eyes on the prince first..bwahahahahaha