thats the first thing i really wanted to say to everyone who participated in the celebration..
as with the usual anniversaries we hv been having all these years, we had food served, games played, questions asked, gifts given bla, bla, bla...
this time for the first time we had something 'extra' ^^
firstly, after so many years, we finally decided that we will have an ID card of own own.
a BMF Family Card. nothing special but we hope it'll be of 'use' in time to come..

next, well...we wouldnt name our event this time 'Beautiful You & Joon @ Korea Plaza' for nothing..hehe..
think u should notice the B Y J which i dont need to explain :p...
'beautiful' = TFS and 'Korea Plaza' = KTO.
here's why...
for our celebration this time, we are grateful to have participation from both Korea Tourism Organisation (KTO) and The FaceShop (TFS).
KTO has been our long time supporter since they set up their office here in KL.
since our dear YJ is now the endorser for TFS, we got hooked with TFS..hehe..
so, our celebration was held at KTO's Korea Plaza and all of us enjoyed a beauty session with TFS ^^
here are some of the pics for the day.

and oh, i almost forgot. here's our dear YJ's message.
(and this time he got it all correct !)

i would say this gathering has been one of the 'biggest' we have ever had so i was felling a little tensed and worried how it will all turn out.
well, allow me to say that it all turn out fine and i enjoyed myself very much and i hope everyone of you did too. my apologies should there be any wrongdoing on my part.
lastly i would like to thank..
xiaoyi for all her effort and time preparing for this..
asthy, eve and of cos bosses of KTO for their support and allowing us to use their plaza on their off day..
tinyen and her colleagues from TFS for their participation..
and of cos BYJ, without him i will not be writing this !
since there are quite many of you on that day, why am i the only writing?
ladies, pls say something !!
at least xiaoyi has posted some of her photos HERE ^^
hi ! Thanks for organising this- I had a lot of fun catching up with the gals and of course drool over his royal gorgeousness. And also emptying my pocket for TFS!
Thanks v much for the pressie!- Shila
wow~ i was stunned for a while when i see 'superwomanwannabe' and i tot who is this wannabe? hahahahahaha
hey, im glad u enjoyed urself. im sorry i couldnt hv more talking to u. maybe next time we can all just come out for makan n talk ^^
thanks !
Hello Yokee,
Congrats to you & to BMF! Seems everyone enjoyed the day & had a great time. More power... & more years ahead to celebrate!!!
From Manila w/ love,
Dear Yokee
Thanks Thanks Thanks for organising a great and fun gathering for all of us. I am having a great time there and nice meeting all other bae sisters. Do you see we all busy taking photos over there. He he he he
Take care and cheers
Jenny Chee
Dear Yokee,
Thank you to u too!! I have had a really great time, and it's really rewarding to see everyone enjoying the event.
And thank you everyone for making this event a success!
Loves, xiaoyi
Dear Yokee!
First of all thank to you and xiaoyi too for inviting me to this event. I'm very happy and really enjoy being with u all bae sisters in Malaysia. Not enough time to see what u guys did .. those collection of our dear yong joon and other stuff. Looking forward for the next event. Do keep in touch everyone.
Hi Yokee,
Thank you for sharing the pictures and write-up of the BMF celebration. I always enjoy looking at pictures of the Malaysian Family gathering. The party looked great, even with a beauty session from Face Shop, what a wonderful idea! Congratulations on a successful gathering and your 6th year with BMF!
love ... jaime
Hi Yokee
Thanks for your effort organising this meaningful and special BMF's 6th Anniversary Gathering with the collaboration of KTO and TFS. Of course it is our dear YJ who links and brings BMF, KTO and TFS together..what a special man!
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