it was supposed to be a 'birthday celebration' but there wasnt any birthday cake
or did anybody actually remember that his bday is just around the corner and the lunch was meant to 'celebrate' the special day?
i dunno about those who went but frankly...i forgot :p
how can i forget??
seriously the birthday was just another sweet excuse for us to get together again
it was really nice to see everyone again after our last gathering during our 5th anniversary back in May.
this time we have 3 new sisters joining us for the lunch which makes myself very happy.
im always so glad and grateful that almost each time we gather, we'll hv at least one new sister.
allow me to welcome them one more time..
christina, rohana and jennyC...welcome to the family !
btw jennyC is the 3rd jenny we have in the family so she'll be jenny C after jennyA and jennyB ^^
there wasnt much activities that day so basically its all just
chat chat chat laugh laugh laugh eat eat eat and chat chat chat laugh laugh laugh
here's our family photo ^^

i would like to thank everyone of you who came...thank you !!
and oh...our lunch was at Koryowon, KLCC, KL.
food was good and the best dish of the day was 'fun' !